Monday, September 17, 2007


Yay again for the MAIL!
I got my book long awaited in the mail from today, Softies: Simple Instructions for 25 Plush Pals. Yes, I got it online for only $12 smackers. I yearn to produce squishy softie buddies and will have to begin excavating the craft room so as to find my sewing table in all the mess. It's piles and piles of paper and old records in there, as well as half the contents of my closet escaping onto the floor. But there are treats to make so I'll have to get inspired. For dinner tonight I'm making a fancy 3-cheese macaroni from Everyday Foods, but I could only find 2 of the cheeses at the market, so poo. But I will be making my own bread crumbs, and that's an accomplishment in itself.

Sunday was lovely, by the way, I did nothing but read all day long, until David took a nap and I slinked out at 4 pm to the Promenade and went shopping. I found a brightly colored long-desired tulip skirt from anthropologie that must have originally $80 at least and I snagged it for $18 at Crossroads. I'll post a pic when I wear it out. We made yummy dinner and had ice cream over old episodes of Freaks and Geeks, with Mr. Pudding in a family cuddle on the couch.

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