Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Wonderful housewarming/birthday party!
House full of family and friends and 1 sexy chef.
Thank you everyone for coming and bringing nice food and drinks and friendship!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Staycation Adventures!

Mr. Cat and I have been having the nicest Stay-Cation together, puttering about the house all week, and making it more homey. We've had a lot of tea, finished 2 books, and have listened to the constant rain for 4 days now.
Monday I did venture out into the downpour and was rewarded with this charming find at the Council of Jewish Women Thrift in Santa Monica. I love it - it's my very own arm chair for quiet reading and tea sipping. Elwood tried to take over it, but David chases him out of it on a daily basis.I painted our dining room this "Bonzai Tree" green, which was a big pain in my back, legs, neck and arms, but deeply rewarding once finished. It's so satisfying to finally get some color on my walls. I did one wall in our bedroom too, a nice light blue, and I'm all painted out.
I spent my birthday yesterday driving around with Tiny hitting tons of thrift stores on her side. We went to St. Vincent de Paul, and we felt like crazy ladies trying on all the thrifty fashions. These two are my favorites, the pants-sweater and the pony jacket.
We ended our day with tea and cheesecake at Aroma Cafe, steamy trying to get warm from all the rain we'd soaked up in our travels, and realized we were the only people in the room NOT on a first-date, making first-date faces and first-date conversation. We got out of there when we couldn't take it any more and trolled on home.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Went to the Rose Bowl Flea Market on Sunday with Christine & Tiny, and I got these lovely old books! I have not decided if I want to convert them into journals right away, or maybe read them first, the native trees book seems especially nice to read through.