Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Him Can Fly

He is pretending his box is an airplane.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Last night, 2 BunBuns got invited to a little party in Northridge, where we saw the most spectacular backyard I've ever seen in my life. It was like walking into a tropical resort in Las Vegas or Disneyland, completely Pirate themed with a pool, jacuzzi, several life-sized Pirate statues, a 2 story poolhouse/pirateship you can sleep in complete with a "plank" and giant ship steering wheel, a ginormous trampoline built into the ground for great bouncing, a pavillioned gaming room with pool and poker tables, a firepit and tropical outhouse. Also, a large patioed area for dancing perhaps, with a backdrop painted to look like a beach. We were in awe, and so so jealous.

This Bun hurt her back a little I think, bouncing a little too hard on the trampyline, and today am quite sore. Instead of going out to do any errands, I spend the whole day giving my kitchen a complete scrub down. I almost had a heart attack when I got up on a chair to scrub up high on my stove fan, and for the first time ever saw the top of the refridgerator. Now, I'm sure every normal sized or tall person who has ever gone in my kitchen has probably had a good view of the filthiest surface I've ever seen in my life, and I feel deep deep shame to know this. Being a dwarf sized person, I had no idea, and I spent half an hour up to my elbows in bleach scouring it. It's so lovely right now, so clean and wonderful,I don't even want to use it so it can stay like this.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I want these tights! They are on sale at Freepeople, but I don't know that i could pull them off :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Miracle &The Wonder of MJ

Yesterday, David, Joel, Evan & I paid our $20 each on spectacle like I've never seen. Adjacent to the Beverly Hills Hilton, a museum like display of personal belongings from the life and career of Michael Jackson is open to the public until next Tuesday. This was supposed to be an auction of his belongings, but he changed his mind and isn't selling it anymore, luckily we still got to go in and have our look-see. There was so much to take in, I went into overload, and tried to snap some shots of my favorites, but there was far too much insanity in there to begin to understand unless you go in person to take it in. Most of my favorites include commissioned paintings of himself in mythic themes, or with fantasy cartoon characters. I was also impressed by the fact that he owns the real sissor-hands from Edward Sissorhands, and also, Han Solo, incased in carbonite. What adds to the experience, is a dvd of a live concert being projected on the wall in the center display room, so as you wanded you have the sound of a screaming crowd all around you, and MJ making all his little signature "hee-hee" sounds at every turn. It was downright surreal, and I love living in LA when I get to see things like this.

Cold-chillen' on MJ's tour bus with the guys. Who knew we'd ever get to experience the wonder.
The end of the display concludes with an outdoor walk through a collection of sculptures of children and mythical beasts that used to populate Neverland Ranch. Down right creepy.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Oktoberfest Cat

This is a puzzle for sale on Ebay. It's an Oktoberfest cat. I am delighted! PS> and feeling much better. Went to see my doctor yesterday finally and he gave me some steroids for my face that help me breath at night, and I feel like I got the best rest in a long time!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Man, I've been sick sick sick since Monday of last week. This cold is really getting me down, I've been battling my throat pain/cough/draining mucusness for so long I've begun to think this is just how it's going to be forever. The worst is nighttime, where I get really short of breath and it takes a lot of effort to pull air into my lungs. Bleh. Finally going to see the doctor today, can't wait to feel like my normal self again, and maybe stay awake past 9 pm.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Move

Yesterday we went to help David & Heather move out of their upstairs apartment to their beautiful new house in Lakewood. Wouldn't it have been great if I thought to take pictures how how lovely the new house is? Too bad, I was freakin' tired by that time and I passed the rest of the afternoon into the night with beer and pizza and Dr. Thunder. But it is really great with an awesome grassy backyard containing fruit trees and turtles. Also, her new kitchen as a sunshine yellow linoleum floor speckled with shiny gold flecks that I am oh so envious of! Today my arms are sore, and carrying bags to the laundry room reminded me that my arms want no more of this moving business for a little while :)