This Bun hurt her back a little I think, bouncing a little too hard on the trampyline, and today am quite sore. Instead of going out to do any errands, I spend the whole day giving my kitchen a complete scrub down. I almost had a heart attack when I got up on a chair to scrub up high on my stove fan, and for the first time ever saw the top of the refridgerator. Now, I'm sure every normal sized or tall person who has ever gone in my kitchen has probably had a good view of the filthiest surface I've ever seen in my life, and I feel deep deep shame to know this. Being a dwarf sized person, I had no idea, and I spent half an hour up to my elbows in bleach scouring it. It's so lovely right now, so clean and wonderful,I don't even want to use it so it can stay like this.

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