Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pretty Placemats!

I want to make these! I love them - so pink and pretty!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Big Time Wineo

Yeah, I'm talking about me. I scored 3 bottles of delicious-for-a-grocery-store-red-wine on super sale last week, and I've only cracked one bottle open so far. I thought, more than anything, these would so I could feel really smooth if I every actually had company over (imagine that, company) and I would, in a very adult way, offer some to my charming guests. So, tonight, I went to the gym and decided it's time to hit all those weight machines and remind my arms they once where not fat. I felt really good after, and extremely weak. I didn't push too hard, but hard enough to render my arms useless for any other work the rest of the night. So, after David, the hardworking champ passed out at 8:30 tonight, and I bored myself with every book I've been reading and poo-pooing around online for an hour, I decided I wanted a glass of delicious red wine. I went to the kitchen and got out the bottle, nearly full still that David was kind enough to re-cork for me.

Apparently, David-Michael, you have superhuman jumbo strength. Apparantly, you shoved this cork in for good to make sure it was going to stay closed. I found myself sitting on the floor in utter frustration, bottle between my thighs, giving it my all to pull this cork back out of a practically full jug 'o wine, as Elwood enthusiastically is rubbing all around me in big excited, loud, purry circles. Remember, MY ARMS DON'T WORK. I'd have trouble with this even if they did, but I felt so weak and pathetic with worn out muscles straining, and the full knowledge of my own clumbsiness, and I am scared that when I do pop this bad boy out, red wine is going to fly everywhere. I've done worse, it's horrible. I started laughing at myself out loud in the kitchen, with the cat going bizzerk all over me, with my rubber arms and this stupid $%&*@ bottle with sleepy-time elixer inside just beyond my handicapped reach.

I got that jerk open. It was awesome. I felt like I won a marathon. I'm going to be alseep in 10 gorgeous minutes, tops.

Whew part 2

I had an extremely full weekend. Saturday I was up EARLY at 5 am, don't know why, except maybe excited about the day to come. Mom & Sisters drove down from Lompoc to spend the weekend - we left at 9 am to scour the city for brial wear. There's nothing like having these 20 pound dresses hoisted on and off you all day, even the smaller ones that look light are really secretly heavy. Then the freakiness of seeing your self in actuall wedding gowns and veils, it was very weird at first. When we finished I accompanied them to the Beverly Center for dinner, and they got in some shopping for themselves, and then I scooted home to get ready for Christine's 27th B-Day party while they took in a movie. Her pary was at The Bigfoot Lodge, and I really liked the place. It felt like The Great Northern to me, haha. She got treated to Toasted Marshmellow Martinis, with flaming marshmellows on top. We got there early, wich I was glad of because I got to talk to her and James before the hoards of friends got there. A few bottles of pear cider and my exhaustion set in, and we bailed at midnight. Happy Birthday Christine!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Diving Bell

Lindsay too me to see The Diving Bell and the Butterfly last night after work, and I had such a good time! We had some wonderful red wine and pizza in the theater lounge before. The movie (if you haven't heard about it) is a French film, an adaptation of a real bigography of a man who suffers a stroke that leaves his whole body paralyzed but one eye. He communicates through blinking at the letter he wants when the alphabet is recited to him. The movie is lovely with blurry bleeding shapes and colors to simulate his trapped amost underwater state. I'd been wanted to see it for a while, and now I'm intrigued to read the book. I left the movie thinking about Kristen and how she's off now for Canada, to start her whole new life and I was happy for her! It's so good to do the things that make you feel alive while you're able to enjoy them fully.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Madonna, Madonna

I've driven by the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo a million bajillion times, but have never been inside until, yesterday, my 26th birthday. I need to report that i was completely unware of how freakish it is. Freakish, but awesome.

Dressy Bessy

Christine sent me these spectacularly beautiful dresses as wedding inspiration, (yeah I know I said I'll try to not turn this into Big Time Wedding blog, but I will not always be successful) and I am drooling. I especially love the girl with big boobs, because you don't see that much in the magazines. All the girls are nice and flat so everything fits them lovely. Though I'm trying my best to pressure her into being my seamstress, and make this for me:Mom and Laurel are visiting me this coming weekend to go to shops and try some stuff on.

In Other News:
I fell down yesterday at Laurel's house, and went down some slippery stairs, knocking my tailbone pretty hard. I've spent much of my day gingerly getting in and out of my rolly chair, feeling like a really old lady with bad bones. Poor booty, all sore and bruised. I'm going to take a hot bath, and soak the pain away.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Weekend Trip

I'm driving to Lompoc tonight to spend my birthday weekend. Maddie is having a birthday party at the new pool, and I'll be getting to enjoy that. She's turning 11 I think? Geez. My sister and I will be looking at a couple possible wedding venues, though I'm almost sure it's going to be in LA at Culver Events. But who knows, I do still like the idea of being in the country more, and having something more picturesque, but it would be more convienient here. Blah, anyway. I'm looking forward to a family weekend. I am going to try to plan a party somewhere for my birthday when I get back, but i don't know when. All the weekends seem already full. Last night I had a nightmare that I was trying on wedding dresses, but it was in a big werehouse and you had to ride a cart to different parts of it to find these dresses that were locked up in storage units, and they were all these huge ugly snow beast things that were for someone much larger than me. I was really glad when I woke up in my cozy bed with a tiny orange snow beast trying to wake me up for breakfast.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Poor Wee Bunny.
(Courtesy of the La Brea Tar Pits)


Wowee, last night David took me to a screening of Cloverfield on the Paramount Studios Lot, and I had a great time! We got to watch a movie in the big Paramount Theater, in the Most Comfortable Seats I've ever enjoyed. The theater was huge and fancy, and we were surrounded by too-cool industry types. The movie is good! I enjoyed it a lot, I bit off all my nails. I didnt' know too much about this movie, and don't care about monster flicks in general, so I wasn't especially amped up about seeing it, but I was impressed. I think this movie succeeds in the way it's told. Yes, a giant monster is smashing up New York City, but by telling the story from the persepective of a member of the frightened crowd, on a camcorder, you are put in the position of the clueless, terrifed masses. All the terror that comes from the confusion of people on the bottom level of the city, as it crumbles around them. I think 911 helps to make it slightly more beliveable, now that people have seen the city in ash and debris, this kind of disaster seems probable in the back of your mind. Also, they do a really good job of not showing you the monster in it's entirity, you get little glimpses, and the mystery is what makes the movie good. In the end you get one good long shot of it's face, and I felt this was NOT needed at all, but I understand why they have to do it. I was also satisfied with the ending, and it's nice and short at 84 minutes. Something about all the recent 3 hour epics feel heavy and allow you some time to get bored. This is fast and smart and in my opinion, much better than any other shoot-em-up-destroy-monster-movie. Outside the theater they had a Statue of Liberty with no head, it was great! And we got a DVD press kit with production notes I'm looking forward to reading.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I am not one to obsess over exercise, but I love to pat myself on the back when I do. I elipitcaled myself 4 miles today, and am rewarding myself with a big glass of green juice. Guess who else drinks green juice? Batman in Batman Begins with Christian Bale. The Bat. I wish I had my own Batman mask with pointy ears. I would wear it while I drink green juice. It's not who he is underneath but what he does that defines him. And what he does is drink green juice when he has a hang over. Right now I have an endorphine hangover, and it's awesome. Whats gross, is when I come home all sweaty-stinky Elwood still wants to give me kisses, and that is sweet, but gross. Bing!


I love this silver food mixer necklace by Ball and Chain on Etsy. It's so cute and makes me want to bake!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Events! Coming and past

My 26th birthday is on the 20th, but I may not be celebrating soon :( I may actually be visiting my family and checking out a possible venue that weekend. The following weekend is Christine's celebration, so maybe in February we can all toast me! Or I may just get myself together and have a dinner the Friday before I shoot home.... maybe dinner and some Tattle Tale action before a midnight ride to Lompoc? At least I am not sick anymore, I seriously was getting tired of that. So sick and tired I never mentioned some of my post-Christmas activities here, like a very exciting and fun day at Disneyland with Moriah and Tim, upon wich i got to ride the matterhorn twice and see a baby strapped to his mom's chest (facing out) sponataneously vomit into the air, and the distracted mother who didn't notice stepped in the vomit, AND David pushed a little girl out of the way in a post-parade dissapating crowd of mass propotion. 'Twas grand! Also dinner with Amanda, visiting from KC, MO at Rubys with some card playing action after. Also, trying to go see the Dali exhibit at LACMA with Diane, Jose + kids, on the last day of the show, and being turned away due to ticket sell out. We made the best of things and walked over to the tar pits instead. Good old Tar Pits, good old Ground Sloth and funky anamatronic wooly mammoth, you never fail to deliver. Also dinner with David's family to celebrate our "Chirsitmas Miracle" with some post-dinner Balderdash action, also never fails to deliver! I am very pleased that today is Friday, tomorrow Mr. Caneso and I will be checking out the Culver Events Center as a possible venue, then later that evening I plan to join a cozy ladies evening of pajamas, take out food, and My So Called Life dvds.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sickness Hikus

Sickness inspires me to write poetry, go figure. (Yes, i am STILL sick!!!!)

mountains of tissue
all white and soft as winter snow
all gross with boogies


public auto auction
blaring bad pop music loudly
i hate you please die

my Forever Friend
i call him King Fluffernutter
so fat and so round


I am overwhelmed
Giant Mess: this apartment mine
I will not submerge

I swear I will try my best to keep this blog fun and crafty and full of kittehs, but I can't help it now that I've got wedding planning on the brain, and I'm sure some of it will spill in. Like today for example, over breakfast I find myslef perusing veils on Etsy, and found these 2. I like the birdcage veil, but don't know if that's something I can pull off without just looking like I'm being choked in a mesh bubble.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Thank You!!!!

I just want to say to the lovely girls who gave me an engagement celebration dinner, THANK YOU! And to all the lovely congradulations by phone call as well!!! I have been starting to worry more than enjoy myself over this wedding, and you reminded me how lucky I am and how loved. Kristen, I am going to miss you and all your dinner-planning, I hope James appriciates your fine skill.

I've been so sick for so long I've neglected my blog, but I'll get back in full swing soon!

Friday, January 4, 2008


I stayed home from work yesterday as I was too disgusting be be around other humans in my sickliness. I managed to do one thing all day, the laundry. But ever time I stepped into the hall to go to the laundry room I was greeted by the doormat of our brand new neighbors, yet to be seen, that moved in directly across from us. The mat is all dirty and and reads in all caps "GO AWAY" As you can't enter our hallway unless you're a tenant, no one from the street gets this message. The only persons that can view this mat are the four families (including us) that live in this building. Way to be friendly and make a first impression.

I was already feeling bleh and then I turned into oscar the grouch. Snarl.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Time ta get ILL on New Years Eve

Time to Get ILL (with one bad cold)

Sick in the face
sick in the face
ears all plugged and
tastebuds can't taste

face = pain
face = pain
goop in my throat
and blah in the brain

sinus failure alert!
sinus failure alert!
boogie in the nose
and my nose-skin hurts

from too much tissue
too much tissue
gotta have Puffs with Lotion
or a chapped nose is the issue

Airborne, #$%* you,
Airborne, #$%* you,
20 bucks down
and I still caught the flu!

Coughin' up loogies
Coughin' up loogies
tastes so nasty
'cuz they tastes like boogies

I hate you stupid cold,
You're stupid, stupid cold,
you made me miss New Years Eve
and I feel real old

7 o'clock
7 o'clock
is when I fell asleep
and I slept like a rock.