The Little House: An Architectural Seduction
Don't be fooled by bad photography, this book is actually blue and is quite small, it's lovely for a tiny shelf or carrying in a purse. Originally published as "La Petite Mansion" in French in 1879, this is a translation. The premise of this quick little story is that this French guy is going to woo a very proper lady into love by the sheer beauty of his home's architecture. Basically, it's him showing her room after room and each is more beautiful than the last until she's so overcome he'll hopefully have his way with her. Does it work? Don't ask me, lazy, you have to read it!! What makes this little book so especially awesome it that it's full of fold out pages of architectural illustrations, floor plans and maps of the grounds.
Geek Love
This book rules, it has conjoined twins in it. It's about a man who creates himself a family of freaks by subjecting his totally willing wife to chemicals and radiation while she's pregnant, and they have an albino dwarf, a flipper baby, the conjoined twins, and so on. The most of the book is about the kids growing up and running the circus and they're eventual and sad demise. It has great characters and is written vibrantly.
After Dark
This book takes place in Tokyo and is written in a sort of surreal style comparitive to the flow and strange choppiness / juxtapositions of a David Lynch movie. To say the least, it's gorgeous. The story follows 2 sisters, one staying up all night in a dinner encountering weird characters over the course of the night, and her beautiful model sister, who's been asleep for 2 months straight. This is by the same author as the Wind Up Bird Chronicle.
Now is the Hour
This book is a coming of age story of a teenage boy in rural Kansas during the 60's. It's so pretty, I love the author's style. It's about his relationship with very conservative Catholic parents, his older sister, his first girlfriend, and then meeting the love of his life, who's a much older Native American half-crazy man. The whole story is explaining radical changes in his life that lead to him leaving the farm for San Fransico to start a freer life. If you're not down with the gay, this book is not for you, because there is plenty of gay in there. I loved this book, it captures so well the intense love and frustration a teenager goes through with their parents as they are breaking away from childhood.
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
He's so crazy, it's pretty much what the title says. Want to spend a while in his crazy mind? I did, it' cracked me up, I was laughin' big-time. Why is "THE" in all caps?
This is very well the most lyrical beautifully prosed book I've ever read. If you don't know the story of Lolita, shame on you. It's about a dirty old man who falls in love with a little girl, and the whole thing is beautiful agony and pain and ruin. I get new messages every time I read it, and new feelings about the story the older I get.
Einsteins Dreams
I LOVE this book! Sigh... it's a fiction about when Einstein was writting the Theory of Relativity, he had dreams every night about worlds with different kinds of time. Each chapter is describing the kind of time in that world, it reads really quickly and pleasurably. For instance, in one world there are 2 kinds of people, those who live by the body clock and those who live by the mechanical clock. In another world, you live longer the higher up you live, so people build houses way up in the mountains on stilts as high as they can possibly get. In another world people live multiple lives, one for each possible choice that could be made in a decision.
That's it so far, this has sort of inspired me to do some synopsis of books I'm not getting rid of, just for the heck of it. Oh well, time to make dinner.
I can has After Dark?
can I have lolita & the little house
and did you leave any books here at Guess: Graphic ornaments(orange) and Wonderland
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