Well, this Saturday night we attended a very fun party themed High School Formal. In preparation, David and I found him this amazing blue pinstriped suit at the Jewish Women's Counsel Thrift Store on Venice, with awesome red striped tie. It's Yves Saint Laurent and fit him excellently.

It was a splendid time, with lots of dancing, and a really good group sing/dance to the weezer song Surf Wax America. I had a wonderful night with Christine and Amanda, and we reminiced about Lompoc High.

Near the end of the evening, David Michael turned into a sports newscaster, inspired by his suit tie and slicked back hair part, and went about asking "the hard-hitting questions" alternating with a Jehovah's WItness type bible salesman persona. What a great night, my feets are killing me.
HAHA, I love the one of the two of us doing our weird dance with the big poster face in the back :)
we're SO CUTE!
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