I fought my old-lady urges to go home at the end of every day, and Friday night I stayed at the Fox Hills Mall (now turned Slauson Super Mall) until 8:30 or so, getting some Xmas shopping done, and then buzzed the bee-bomber to Venice to see my dear friend Josh Hart, who had some pieces in a show at a gallery called CAVE in Venice.

It was so nice to be out, it was good to remind myself to not hybernate all winter long like a big sleepy bear. There was live painting by John Park out front under trees all a twinkle with Christmas lights, and it was just lovely to be enjoying it at the end of a long week.

The show inside was good, I liked most everything there. My favorites were these tiny humming bird scuptures by LeeAnn Hale,

and this painting of a nautilus creature dangling Japanese lanterns onto this girl by Dominque Fung.

But of course, I'm a sucker for Mr. Hart, and he had this series of lovely paintings featuring white whales and Mr. Jinx.

I just bought a copy of Moby-Dick a day before, my interest stirred by a recent podcast of Studio 360, and I decided it was an omen, so I bought the second painting, if you look closely, please note the tiny Jinx paw peeking out from the big heart.

I've never bought a painting from a gallery before, and it felt fantastic to support a friend who is so talented, and spend hard earned money on something so original and beautiful for our home. I am also banking on the day when Josh is finally quite collectable, and I will have my own collection of his work to send my furture kids to college with :)
1 comment:
Beautiful! What does it say on the whale?
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