Ari really liked her new leg warms and matching mittens, stuffed inside her new purse, along with cupcake & donut earrings. Kids are so fun to shop for!
I finally got to see and hold tiny darling McKenna, and was very amazed at how teeny and quiet and relaxed she was. And her feet are so soft you can barely feel them. Amazing.

Here's hoping the US postal service did it's job and got Warren his Xmas surprise on time.
He was supposed to receive this handmade stocking, stuffed with tiny presents to warm him with holiday cheer on the other side of the country, deep in Brooklyn snow. If it didn't come, Warren, don't look :) I want to thank all who contributed, it was wonderful of you to be tiny Santa's.

I'm wiped out right now. Just dug a hole in the backyard all on my own, to plant a new avacado tree, a very special and generous birthday present from wonderful loving parents. Photos to come :)
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