Monday, October 20, 2008

The Kingpin

This weekend we went to Lompoc to play dominoes with my grandparents. This is my Grandpa Johnie, who I'll now forth on call The Kingpin. He's the keeper of the rules and the score, the keeper of the game. We played from the in the afternoon to eight at night, dinner in the middle, and had a great time.

I decided to bring Elwood this time, so he could meet my grandma, and he did pretty well on the car trip there, I learned if I just open his travel box door, or hold him on my lap he's quiet. But don't let him stand on the on the way home, after your family has been feeding him salmon bits and treats all weekend, on the blanket folded in the backseat, 'cause he doesn't have sealegs, and he just might puke all over David's backpack. Poor little fluffnug. We tried to show him the backyard but he didn't like it, and spend most of the weekend in the guest room, sitting in his litterbox, even if he didn't have to use it, looking vulnerable.

Saturday I got to visit with Courtney over coffee at Southside which was delightful, and we went to the Printed Matter bookstore next door which I'm sad to say is going out of business. I bought some books at 40% off, and was delighted by many things I found there. That night Laurel and David and I went to the local bars, and had a lot of fun. I spotted this lady, who was strutting it all over in black body suit under her jeans, but pulling the body suit way way up in a scary fashion. She was getting lots of attention though, which I believe was the desired effect. My sister proudly wore her Obama for progress shirt, and that also attracted attention. Upon leaving we got roped into a 20 minute debate outside with a guy who worked on Base and was at one point in Iraq who was younger than all of us & is a Republican. It was kind of cool though, because I always think of that bar as a hangout for Human Wastelands and this guy was intelligent and interested in having open exchange. By the end of the conversation, I felt really really proud of David, I felt great that he was my husband, as he started pouring out his observations and political views that we never really talk about that much. Often enough my words fail me when I'm trying to fight for my side, but he has the words and the ability to draw on information he's collected inside him to illustrate these points sharply and stunningly sometimes. Good times in Lompoc.

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