Thursday, October 9, 2008


I got my 401K retirement fund statement in the mail today. I was thrilled to read the following calculation, based on the ending balance of my current statement:

Based on the assumed 6% annual investment return and 3% annual rate of inflation, my projected monthly income will be $37.55 when I retire at age 90.

Welcome to the new American Dream, or as I am starting to think of it, Poop On A Stick.


Lindsay said...

90 is when you're supposed to "end" your retirement. 65 is when you get to start. Mine said $44.46, wooohooo! I AM SO RICH. Maybe we could both live in the same kitteh retirement home with our kittehs where it only costs a dollar a day to live there.

also it should be noted for the year to date, my 401K is -23%! I guess i should just be glad I have a 401K to begin with. ergh.

Lindsalon said...

End times! End times are here!!!