Saturday, September 6, 2008

What the heck is this?

Oh, the outrage. Or the horror of it all, I don't know what bother's me most about this, the fact that they are totally flippant about out right lying about the evil that is corn syrup, or the fact that they find the public so incredibly stupid. No, as a SWEETENER it's not that bad for you, in MODERATION it's fine. But no one eats it in moderation when it's the number one filler substance in almost everything you eat. When it's the first ingredient listed in every packaged food. When we pound so much of it on a daily basis that obesity and diabetes have sky rocketed to new heights and now occur in children, which was never a problem before we started mass pumping into our diets. Also, it's not natural, during the process used to create it they add chemicals to it. Like I said, there's just so much wrong with this.

I also hate that this appears at a time when it seems like people are finally waking up to these social problems and at least becoming conscious of them if not taking huge action, and here comes someone to slap the blinders back on. I found on YouTube another clip of this woman who goes into greater detail demystifying corn syrup - how it's made, why it's used and the political backround of farm subsidies and how it's changed our food. It's long but I recommend listening, also go rent King Korn.

Maybe I've just been a little punchy lately, but I'm listening to the political coverage all day every day on NPR of the democratic and repbublican conventions, and all the different people analyzing and interpreting speeches and campaings, and I'm starting to feel this impending doom. I can't imagine four more years of the direction this country is already going, and how much deeper a hole it could dig us. The whole of my adult life has been shaking my head in horror at George Bush, and the thought of more makes me pretty depressed. Listening to Barak Obama makes me feel a pride and excitement I've never felt before about politics, and I can't wait to vote for him. So much needs to be set right, so much needs to be healed.

Enough of that now, I'm going to go eat a bowl of cereal, guess what it's made out of?

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