Thursday, September 25, 2008

I have to say, I'm really proud of myself this week because I have not been as lazy as usual. I've made it to the gym a couple times and I've cooked every night, decent meals, even when it means stopping at the grociery store for that one item I forgot before, when i'm so tired and just want to go home. I also scrubbed all the gunk of the kitchen floor this last weekend so I can walk on it happily barefoot without feeling disgusting, and I I dug out the acrylics and actually painted on Sat and Sun. I remembered all those beautiful wooden panals Warren made for me a couple of years ago, back in the time of Forest Steet, Inglewood, and I painted on one! It's going to be a present so I can't show it yet, but I want to paint again this weekend. It's been so long I felt really rusty at it, and I remembered how the hours deliciously slip by as you work the color together patiently. I've given up on the idea that I'll ever be a really great painter, and it helps me not be so inhibited to try.

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