Monday, November 26, 2007

Lovely Lovely weekend

We stayed 2 nights with my sister back home, and it was really nice to get in some family time. We got our little Christmas tree fresh from the farm, the farm wasn't supposed to be open for business until the next day, but those nice ranch people helped us anyway. Another thing I miss about living in smaller populations, a casual kindness and not minding to help out a stranger. This is David's first ever visit to a tree farm. After that we visited my folks a little and met Laurel, Justin, Amber and Chris in Buellton to go to beer and wine tasting at the respective Firestone brewery and vinyard. We got a tour of the vinyard and tasting in a private room, fancy.

I loved the visit, but it was time to go home in the morning. Laurel was going to attend her 10 year high school reunion that night, and had lots of preping to do as she is on some kind of committee for it (nerd). We drove home and the traffic wasn't bad for once - but we got a crazy view of the fires in Malibu - huge orange clouds taking over the sky. At home David put up the tree so I could decorate it with birdies! Poor Elwood faces a squirt of the water bottle every time he tries to catch himself a birdie, or eat part of the tree, but he's really happy we are home again.

We had a nice time over at Mark & Tiffany's new condo - Moriah this will kill you, they live like 2 blocks from Disneyland. They can go on the roof to see fireworks at night. We drove past it to get there, and I thought it was sort of cruel for David-Michael to take me so close to Disneyland and not take me in, but that's how it is. The condo is really pretty and they are making it lovely inside. The rest of the family came over and we all went to Buca's for a pizza feast. I spent Sunday back in my craft room, happy back on the Xmas Present wagon.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Those totally look like birdies! Hurrah for Xmas Tree, it looks lovely!