Monday, November 5, 2007


Good Morning, Monday, and here I am at another work week! I had a nice weekend though, lots of sewing and a trip the the fabric store that I got some really great new cotton prints from for cheapy-cheap. I am gearing up for some slightly more complex sewing projects than I've been doing, I'm going to try and make the Amy Butler apron from her In Stiches Book. Last night i washed everything I bought after dinner and pressed it all neatly, so glad that I don't have to iron clothes regularly. David spend the whole day into the evening working on the How She Move site, editing music contest entries for profanity and uploading dance clips. You can go to the site and see all the entries uploaded so far to understand what our sunday sounded like. There are all these goofy people who entered the Unsigned Dancer contest, and they all chose really interesting places do do their sexy dances, like, Mom's living room. The Kitchen. A 2X2 foot hallway. Outside, at night, infront of car headlights. Well, I guess this is the age where everyone is getting their 3.2 minutes of fame. Thanks to the magic of ONLINE.

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