I just finished making posters for my sister's school - she's a counselor at Vandenburg Middle School back in Lompoc. I did a series of posters for the administration in her office. Its weird to think I am now making the posters that I used to stare at in bordome durning registration. I like to think mine are much nicer.

This weekend I plan to do a lot of reading. I picked up the Phillip Pullman books His Dark Materials ("Is a three part trilogy..." oh Mr. Symcox how I miss you..) based on the reccomendation of Lindsay at work. The first book The Golden Compass is being made into a movie right now with Nicole Kidman, so I was glad to pick up a copy before all the covers in the bookstore are plastered with photos of her and other actors. Yes, I am reading children's literature. I don't care, when I was in the bookstore yesterday looking around in the young adult section I had this incredable happy feeling, looking around at all these books I read so many times I knew them by heart. I remembered how when I was a kid my whole life was reading books. The Chronicles of Narnia, all the Roald Dahl books like The Witches and Madilda, E.B. White, Lawerence Yep's Dragon of the Lost Sea, Patricia C. Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, The Hobbit, the whole set of Oz books... I loved the library more than any other place. I have to say, I tried to read Harry Potter a couple years ago, but I couldn't get into it the way I loved these other books. His Dark Materials is supposed to be pretty dark and Lindsay said she loves them, and I'm really looking forward to curling up with them. It's supposed to have some awesome spirit-animal polar bear battles.

I also picked up a graphic novel I've never heard of, that's almost as thick as the 3-novel trilogy set bound into one. It's called Blankets, and it looks really pretty inside and is also quite tempting. I'll post how I like them when I'm done.
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