Thursday, August 23, 2007

Musical Mix

I am spending the evening prepairing a new musical mix. I have long-hankered to do a mail CD for friends, with custom made cases and such. I am compiling happy summery music for a freash new blend for my mail friends as well as myslef. I dearly need a new roation at work/in my car. If you're interested lemme know so I can figure how many to make. If anyone wants to trade that would also be lovely! My theme is slowly developing, I'll call it out once I have a better feeling for it.


Melissa said...

I'll make your mix if you'll make mine. I've been into ladies-moody-indie music that reminds me of open windows and yellow daffodils, and mists on the hills. That's what I'll make for you.

Amanda said...

hey lindsay! i might be in - i've been meaning to do one with the theme "California" which would be songs about how lovely CA is. Originally meant to lure my East Coast relative out for their *First* visit to the West Coast next summer, but I'll make a few extra copies for trade too! :)

osgoodandagata said...

i just want one
bacause I don't think that what i would mix would be any good and i don't think you would want to lisen to it
unless you want some Edit Piaff

Kristen said...

Ooh, I want one too! I also have a bunch of new CDs to burn for you. I think I need to stop buying so many but don't have enough willpower to break the habit...