Soon enough, guests were arriving, the only people in the hoard of Hungarians and Mexicans that I knew were friends Meghan and Melissa. Meg took her beer to the seating area when the cremony began, with my support.
After the lovely ceremony, the bridal party went to take photos, and the crowd was entertained by bellydancing. David and I were entertained by this kid who could put his leg over his head.
We got to see the newlyweds as they made their rounds, and got a close up view of the bride's bedazzled sneakers.
Later in the day I was treated to a soaking of sparkling cider knocked off the table, and then showered with spray from some Dos Equis being opened next to me on the other side. Shortly after, my left arm took a turn for the worse with 2 large red rashes puffing up. We made a mad dash back into town around 8pm to get some medication to counteract my rash-i-ness and missed the bouquet toss. I did get some cake before David and I gave up and bedded down in the tent a little after 10 pm. I made 2 sleepy hikes up the road to the portipotties that got scary by this time in the dark with shiny wet spots and TP everywhere, only to discover in the morning, a port-a-pottie quite closer to our left side I could have been using. All in all, I had a great time, but in the morning was a sicky yucky mess, and ready to get home to my shower.
Oh, and here's a foggy morning shot of the bridal tee pee, where I belive the happy couple spent their first married night.
PS my arm rash has greatly improved :)
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