Monday, November 2, 2009

Saturday was full of yard work, Agata came over and we cleared out a massive trash can full of crazy weeds from the back flowerbed of our backyard, and it is much prettier now. Elwood likes it, he likes to sit in the dirt, eat a couple plants so he can throw them up later in the middle of the night, and then burrow deep into the remaining weeds along the side flowerbeds that I'll have to get to next weekend.

Suday I was useless, my allergies have been flaring up with all the grass and dust I've been taking in, and now they're developing into a fairly stong cold. So I slept like a zombie into the midday, then lounged half passed out in the back yard in my new patio chair, as the hot sun dried out my sinuses some, and managed to read some of the Sunday paper. David assembled his BBQ the day before, and he made us hot links for dinner, and was very very very happy.


Xine said...

Elwood looks so bewildered by nature.

Lindsalon said...

Totally bewildered. He's a Bewild-a-beast.