Our last day of 2008 was spent at Disneyland. We arrived around 8:30 and got some hot drinks while we waited to meet up with Amanda and some friends, in town for the holidays. Despite his cup of hot cocoa, it was difficult to get a smile out of David as he wallows in his misfortune to have to spend the day in the Magic Kingdom.

Of course, it was a different story once the reason for our trip there appeared.

We had a great day visiting and chatting and experiencing the magic and wonder of Disney with Amanda and Brett, and yes, all three of those churros are for him.

My absolute highlight of the day was the teacups. Spin spin spin. I love it, especially at night, when the hanging lanterns are lit rainbow colors, and you put your head back when you're spinning and there's only a mesh of dizzy color and laughter, nothing else seems to exist for those 3-4 minutes.

There were fireworks we watched in Tomorrowland, while listening to the worst band ever, somthing called Suburban Life or somthing like that? most obnoxious frontman ever. At one point he sreamed, Anything's possible in 2009! followed by a series of "Hey hey hey's" that kept us laughing the rest of the night. David and I made it to 11, and then we decided to go, my feet were numb and in pain at the same time, and I thought it better to split out before the mad rush of the crowd that would follow the midnight celebration. Then I was a little sad that at midnight we were just drifting through thick fog on the freeway at 12 am, even though the whole day was great.
1 comment:
GOOD GOD WTF?!!! The magic kingdom was just too much my friend. I'm sad I couldn't kit with you there. I have a blister on my pinky toe and I'm SORE all OVER. Our hotel was awesome but insane. I was in a frantic mickey mouse orgy at midnight! Oh well. I'm glad everything went well. I'm sorry you're camexipino was not feeling it, but your friends look nice. Bryanas wedding looked nice. I'll have to send her a card. She's official! Love you xoxo
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