Today I met Christine at her apartment, and she shuttled us on over to Pasadena to spend the day at the Rose Bowl Flea Market. I'd never been before, though I've heard many tales of the glory of endless tables of anything and everything. I wanted to look for a jewelry box to organize the mess that my bangles and dangles have become on top of my bedroom dresser, spreading into the bathroom counter and even the craft room where my dressing mirror is. Also, I just wanted to look for anything extra special to craft with, old books to rebind into new journals etc. We split up as Christine likes to hit the vintage clothing, and the hours slipped by as I poured over the endless tables of postcards, retro kitchen stuff, costume jewelry, old table linens and the like. My favorite finds of the day included this table that looks like a stack of giant books (with the top "cover" really able to open like a book revealing storage space) and this Captain McCrazy monkey.

Christine's great find of the day was this adorable yellow dress with a fish shape sewn into it, I can't wait to see her wear it.

All these scraps are lovely, but the true highlight of my weekend was seeing Oscar and James downtown Saturday night at 7th & Grand, with David and Tiny. We were all so happy to see one another, I think it's been something like 4 years at least since we've hung out, and it was such a treat to catch up with them. They're both doing really well, and in love with charming ladies. I can't wait to see them again, I feel a warm familial bond with people I went through Otis with, it was such an intense 4 years and seeing them is like a small homecoming.
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