Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Last night I talked to Courtney on the phone, and had a fun talk catching up. Sadly though, she had this job she loved at the MAC makeup counter in SB, and they started downsizing due to the poor economy, and she got laid off. She's picked up another job at the Lompoc Record, but I was sad for her because I know how much she enjoyed her previous work. I was amazed though at how optimistic she was being about it, and how positive her attitude is. I miss Courtney a lot, and hope I get to see her when I'm in town for Mother's Day.

This might sound weird, but I've started myself a new project of drawing up simplified floor plans of my childhood best-friend's homes that I inhabited a lot when I was growing up. The challenge is to see how well I can pull all these details up from memory. Somethings are so vivid and clear, while other sections of the house just don't exist in my mind, I can't find it no matter how hard I try. I've done 4 so far, and I like them. They are interesting to compare, and it's also funny how big I keep making everything. I'm also trying to place furniture and fixtures in the drawings, and add in memories of the people that lived there. I'd really like to get back inside those houses now and see if I'm accurate or not, but some of them have be sold or rented out to people I don't know by now.

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