I went to Lompoc for Mother's Day weekend, and had a lovely family time. Courtney and I spent a really fun day together in San Luis Obispo, we stopped on the way to order my yellow wedding cake from Gina's Piece of Cake in SM. In San Luis tragedy struck and she sprained her ankle - but what a trooper - we had lunch to rest and see how it was feeling, and she hobbled to Sephora with me to do wedding make up. I got a little make-over and spent tons o money on new cosmetics, but I haven't bought any for years, and I loved the stuff they put on me.
I drove out to Cabrillo where Dad was having a plant sale / BBQ to sell off what he and his class had been growing all year, and I coudn't believe how beautiful his greenhouse is. It astounds me that he was able to accomplish so much on his own initiative. He came up with the idea for this horticulture class, and it's literally "blossomed" into this huge thriving enterprise. What a great resource for the kids too, how much fun would that have been when I was in high school.

It's really nice to get to see my family. They're so interesting and fun. After dinner on Saturday night, Dad brought in a big bucket (yes, I too think it's gross that he uses and old kitty litter bucket, but at least it's kind of recycling) of honeycomb he'd just removed from the inside of someone's house (the bees can get in and build in your walls) to turn into Honeycomb Rounds.

You are supposed to just bite out a chunk, suck the honey out and chew the wax. The wax grosses me out - but they are so cool looking and fun. On sunday we had lunch at the Alisal golf course in Solvang, and it was a warm delicious day of lingering outside and eating good food.

What's not so good now, is that I some how developed strep throat by monday morning. I took Monday off work, and thought it would be ok to go back in on Tuesday, but I guess that made me a lot worse. I called around noon for a doctor's appointment, but they couldn't see me until Thursday, so Lindsay kindly pointed me in the direction of her Urgent Care center, where they'll see you and treat you for a flat rate of $90. That doesn't open until 6pm though, so I drove over at 5 and sat to wait. It seems pretty rediculous to me that our medical system is so counterintuitive. I was in so much pain I could barely manage to swallow, as a result of which I was becoming pretty dehydrated from avoiding liquid. When someone finally checked me in I was running a fever, and mostly unable to speak more than a whisper. The happy ending is that I got some antibiotics and am slowly recovering, still in some pain and feeling weak, but soon will be better!