I woke up this morning and sat down to work at my coffee table on my ceremony readings research and planning, and decided I could use some new music. I went on itunes and bough We Walked in Song by The Innocence Mission. I used to love listening to their albums when I first moved away from home, they brought me a lot of peace and calm when I was so homesick for my little town and nature and the friends and family that used to surround me. They've put out a couple new albums since that I didnt' know about, and I am so glad I bought it. I opened up the big front window and sunlight is streaming in, summer is going to finally be here. My tea, and my music and the early sun and all these sweet love poems verses phrases prose propelling me gently into this mild lovely day. The Innocence Mission is like a balm, it's soft but not sleepy, it unfolds and celebrates so secretly without needing to show off. I absolutely love it.
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