So there is lots to report, but i've been too lazy to connect my camera to my laptop lately. Here we go, last weekend was the amazing SuperMarket comic book sale put on by Hazel & Jessica at Meltdown in the back gallery. I had a great time chattin with other vendors, and got some good trades. I sold a few books and did some knitting, and enjoyed myself. We had a good corner spot to watch Jordan Crane and Steven Weissman pass a flask back and foth in their cute little way. Lindsay's friend Frank bought the Sesame Street journal, which is such a good one, and I was really excited. I hope he enjoys it and writes all about his secret crushes, and makes drawings!!

After the comic sale, we took Lindsay and Christine to a winter formal at Rachel's house. I had a blast, she had decorated the house SO pretty with ornaments and snowflakes hanging from the ceiling everywhere, and a delicious cookie frosting station in the kitchen! Well, I didn't keep track of how many glasses of wine I helpled myself too, and got a litttle tipsidy and enjoyed my friends very much. I have stolen pics of Christine's flickr account, because the drunky ones i took are not so great!

We did go to a second party (Rachel yours was my favorite don't worrry - the other one had this scary Kathy Lee Gifford children's Christmas special VHS playing) where as soon as we arrived Run DMC dissapeared for more beer and was gone for like, 20 hours. When he came back, as everyone was leaving and we were falling asleep on the couch, he had an entire box of 6-packs and had run three blocks with it cause he saw an ambulence and thought something bad happened. This was a great night of laughing, good outfits and ICE BEAR.
1 comment:
hehe, it looks like I'm about ready to eat both your souls in that last picture.
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