Guess what's awsome? Damon Dash putting out a collaboration album uniting The Black Keys with hiphop artists like Mos Def, Ludacris, Pharoahe Monch, M.O.P, the OBD, Q-Tip & the WU-Tang clan. Coming soon...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What a great weekend, I feel like I came back to life a little. Friday night Lindsay and I went to the Wiltern to see Bon Iver, an amazing amazing performance that moved me to near tears, and feeling very blessed for all the love in my life. When you see someone do something so beautiful, pouring out music and emotion so purely, it really makes all my bitterness and judgements and meanness just drain out of my heart. If you've never heard of this band, I really reccommend you go pick up their album.
Another Oktoberfest come and gone. Tiny Bun Bun came with us this year, and we met up with Agata & Bill and Heather & David, and sang and danced and drank the night away. They've introduced a new guy who's taking over for the old MC, and he cracked me up with his booty dancing and high spirits, but David felt really distressed by this changing of the guard. He did get a magical moment, when we spotted the old leader of the pack, and got to take a picture of him. I likened it to David Michael finally getting to sit on Santa's lap after all these years, especially when you consider that Oktoberfest is his Christmas.
The Good News is that we are very close to moving into our first house :) David and I have been breathing in the rubber dust of the 10 Freeway for three and a half years, and now we are out of here. If all goes according to plan, we'll be moving in early October, so we've been sorting and packing our life into piles and boxes and trash bins every weekend in anticipation. Elwood is delighted by the new obstacle course of boxes and packing material that have overtaken his world. Who else do you know who is dorky enough to have full boxes labeled things like, "early" and "late journals" ? Probably just me.
2 am at the Tattle Tale on a Thursday night, what a collection of friends that was so happy to be reunited! Today was pretty brutal, this Tiny is not used to week night shenanigans, but it was well, well, well worth it.
Amanda is in town, so we get to have dinner with her tonight - a nice treat! We have a music exchange to do, we each made a mix for the other and made our own packaging for the CD. Mine comes in this old paper fold out of a photograph that I affixed a paper pocket to the inside cover and wrote all the tracks by hand below. It ties shut with a yellow ribbon and has the mix title pasted on the outside with matching paper left over from making the pocket. I hope she doesn't already have these songs... If anyone else is interested in doing a similar trade I would love to!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
This weekend I flew to Phoenix to visit with my friend Moriah and go to her baby shower. It was a great time, and I finally got to give her the elephants I sewed way back when I found out she was pregnant. Now she's 8 months, and the baby will be here so so soon! Look at Ava-Long-Arms here, she kept me company on the couch quite a bit :) Wonderful to visit with good friends and celebrate such a happy occasion.
So, David & I have been working on trying to buy a house, and it's sucked our funtime away for a month now, and I finally broke free this weekend and had real leisure! Agata & Tiny & I went to the Fowler Museum at UCLA to see the tea exhibit, and it was just what I needed, thinking about tea & meditation and slowing life down a little, admiring ancient tea pots and reading poems about the ritual of drinking it. After, we enjoyed deserts at a nearby cafe in Westwood and had girl time, which I also really needed. I hadn't seen either of them for so long and it was great to catch up.