Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Season 3

Venture Brothers Season 3 came out on DVD yesterday. David bought it and rushed home early so we could OD on new episodes. We've watched 1 & 2 so many times, that it actually felt strange to not have all the lines memorized. It was awesome, and I can't wait to watch the 2nd disc of episodes tonight. Go Team Venture!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Assymetrical Wrist Deco

Sunday night I finished up these little wrist warmers that I found a pattern for on I am planning to use them to try and keep my wrists warm at work. In the morning hours I find it's impossible to keep them sheltered from the cold unless I'm going to wear jackets every day, so I think these will be a good solution. Yes, when my wrists get cold, they ache inside, they ache like they are on fire, if that makes any sense. I'm an old-timer, it's official.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tea and Cake and Lillies

Today Agata and I hauled our cookies all the way to South Coast Plaza so I could go to Paper Source and buy a beautiful photo album for our wedding pictures. We had a lovely lunch, and tea and cake after. I wish I still got to see her every day!

On Saturday we drove out to visit David & Heather, who are really excited that they'll be moving into their first house soon! Lily is getting so big! Her head will soon be bigger than David's :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sometimes dinner is breakfast for one. And you eat it standing up in the kitchen. Sometimes it's lovely because you're tired and it's so easy, and so nice to just eat an egg in a basket with tea :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Grandma Joy

We spent our weekend in Lompoc so I could do recorded interviews of my grandparents and scan a bunch of old photos out of my Grandma Joy's albums. This is her in her front yard on J Street in Lompoc, I just love her dress! I love the edges on all the pictures from back then, and there are so many curious sizes of prints too. I had a wonderful time visiting with them and hearing stories about their lives before I knew them. As a family, we all walked over past Miguelito Elementary, and up to lookout point where you can see the whole town. It's extremely up-hill, and today I am very, very sore. It did make me want to get back to hiking though! Maybe next weekend we can do one here.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Monsters Eat Quebec

The creation is finished!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Bound Books!

Christine came over to craft last Sunday and I have only now got around to uploading my new books on Etsy. Yay! A cake batter recipe book and a Urban Outfitters sketchbook :)

I have had NO time at all for blogging as work and life have been stressy/packed with errends and things, but today I am at home, decompressing and dreaming my new project enterprises.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I love you, Samurai Bear. Most zoo animals fat it up like lazy tubs of lard, or are so boring you could cry. Not you, Samurai Bear. You are putting on a damn fine show.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Emptiness Inside

See that?
It's the floor with no kitty on it.
No little Mr. Cat purring and begging for breakfast this morning.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

some reading...

I'm pretty tired from this weekend. What was nice was I got some downtime to run some errands today, and do a little shopping which took my mind off things. I also got to finish 2 books I've been working on, The Sacred Book of the Werewolf and A Mercy - the new Toni Morrison book. It was very lovely, and as I just recently watched The New World (the Colin Farrell movie from 2005 about John Smith and Pocahontas) I was really in the mood for it. The movie is all visual, about how fresh and beautiful this new unpolluted world is to the colonists, coming from the stinky disgusting mess of 17th century England. It gave me an imaginary backdrop for the books settings, and it's a very dreamy, lush read, if you don't mind how difficult and harsh the lives are that it describes. I just love her books, they're a pleasure to pour over, and the Werewolf book was really clever and original. I think I'll read it again in a few years and see if I can't absorb more of it's taoist themes. It's really complicated concepts translated from Russian, and some of it sort of went over me, though I got a lot out of it about love and letting go, and being at peace with yourself. Next I'm finally picking up the Early Diaries of Anias Nin, which has been stacked patiently by my bed since before Christmas. It's really nice to have found some great books to sink my brain into, and wash around in all these words and ideas. I picked up some thin pocket sized moleskin books when I was out today, and want to start keeping my thoughts in them more regularly the the hastened bi-weekly event my diary has turned into. Also, I noticed simply lovely, warm golden weather today, like the first big breath of LA spingtime that feels like a mild summer, and it cheered me up a lot. Time for flipflops and light dresses and maybe, if I'm lucky, some camping. Maybe even, some camping and reading :) I'm probably getting excited too soon, it's only March after all, but with all the bad news lately, it's nice to just daydream about summertime and nature.


Let me just preface this story of my Saturday by saying that I got up really early and started the laundry. Someone had left a load in the dryer overnight, so when I was drying my clothes at 8 am, I moved theirs into my clean hamper instead of dumping it on the floor or the gross shelf ledge, which I planned to put back in the dryer once my cycles were done. To thank me, my neighbor came in to collect their clothes, and decided to just also steal my hamper. My $7 plastic hamper from Target with the broken handle. Thanks, thanks for stealing my crappy laundry hamper. It really set the mood for the rest of the day.

Poor Poor Mr. Cat!

Yesterday morning David and I noticed Elwood acting pretty strangely, hobbling about the floor with his tail in the air, looking like he needed to go to the bathroom really bad, but he'd sit in his box for a long time with no results. When he started sitting on the grown sideways with his booty lifted in the air I sped him over to the vet and spend the next three and half hours and charged almost a months salary to help poor kitty go pee. He got little kitty x-rays and I saw in them his poor little bladder all ballooned up in need of relief. I felt so so bad for him, and can't imagine why it happened. It was also really hard to understand anything the vet was saying as he was really rushed and had a really thick accent, but what I understand his that Elwood was "blocked" and I'm just hoping hoping hoping this isn't going to be a much larger reoccurring problem. I woke up at 4 am worried about him, and couldn't sleep.

ALSO when I was there, for three hours getting sick from an endlessly looping promotional video in the lobby for one of those pet brushes that pulls gobbs and gobbs of fur out of their coats, a girl had a complete break down from what I assumed must be the death of her dog. She was sobbing hysterically and her face was all destroyed and red and puffy from crying, and after much hugging from her friends, which did nothing to calm her down, she was walked outside, where she literally collapsed onto the sidewalk, and laid on the ground, sobbing sobbing sobbing. I am not making fun of this poor lady, because it is very traumatic when your pet dies; I myself was really distressed over the poor little blocked bladder, but this spectacle really escalated my state of distress, as i sat waiting for testing to see if I was going to have to take him to an emergency clinic to to get a stone removed or some other radical surgery. (No stones, fortunately.) Then, this 50-something lady, made up to look like she was 25 in a red tight tennis top and red and white micro-mini skirt kept running in and out of the office in front of me with her leash and collar saying her dog wouldn't get out of the car. Ever time she moved, she flashed me with her huge lacy underpants, because the skirt was so short and she was tall and the underpants were not discreet or minimizing in any way. It shocked me, she had come to the vet to flash people on purpose, there's no way she didn't know what she was doing.

At any rate, it was a destroyed Satrurday. I had to leave him there 'til monday and he watched me leave in terror from his little compartmental cage on the wall, the biggest desperate eyes I've ever seen. I felt horrible, but glad I didn't leave town for the weekend and was there to take care of him when he needed it. Oh, kitty trauma!