Was feeling in a particular mood tonight, and needed to see Hedgehog In The Fog, first shown to me by dear dear Warren. This is a Russian animation from 1975. And I love it. I loves it so. That owl, what a naughty. I wonder if I will ever create anything so lovely.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I've been getting to see everyone's pictues from the wedding, and today I got to see Krisztianna's, and some of them delighted me so that I had to post them. I feel it'll be a while before I can get back to actual bloging instead of these random little posts, it's the way my brain feels, sort of scattered all over. (It's also the way my living room still looks.)

(This last one especially makes me laugh, oh it's silly! Our heights make this downward line, and vines are coming out of my and Heather's heads, and my eyes are closed in happiness and Levan is winking fancily and we are all so happy.)

Monday, August 25, 2008
This is Lazy but...
after reading the incredible blow by blow of the wedding on Lindsay's blog, I've just dropped a link to it here, rather than type up my own account. Also, I have no pictures yet to show, and I haven't quite sorted the day out in my own mind with any kind of logic, so I'm happy someone can! Except where their night ends in merryment at the bar, mine included going through a carwash to try and clean chocolate syryp off my car (which is still leaking out the handles and crevices FYI) and picking pantyliner adhesive off with my fingernails. Then to the hotel where David stayed awake long enough to kindly spend about 40 exhausted minutes helping me pull 2 pounds of bobby pins out of my hair :) Maybe I'll have some real comments of the day in the future, it really was the best day ever!
Sunday, August 24, 2008

We are back from vacation and sitting in the big mess of lovely presents and wedding debris again. Roatan is simply paradise, there's no other way to put it. I feel like I've had the best couple weeks of my life, and now I've got to set about sorting it into clarity and tidiness, but for now all I want to do is lounge about with books and magazines and daydream about all these lovely times.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Lover's Spit
I never saw this video before, but I LOVE this song. Oh the wonders of You Tube. It's a pretty great video as well :)
I haven't had much time for posting plus I'd probably just sound like a silly person going on and on about what even I'm tired of hearing about and talking about :) But it's almost here, this weekend, and it feels great and surreal at the same time. I can't wait to enjoy this day of celebration that so much time and energy has gone into organizing. Now that the last details are finished, I'm happily diving back into my lonely planet travel book, and pondering Roatan Island like I'm really for real going to be there.
Here's the sentence at the begining of the capter that makes me tingle:
"And if you just want to relax, parts of Roatan, especailly West End and West Bay, are idyllic as any tourist brochure, with clear turquoise water, colorful tropical fish, powdery white sand and coconut palms." Here's a picture of where we're staying, a hotel of beach cabannas called Fosters, which is also suposed to have the best bar scene.

"And if you just want to relax, parts of Roatan, especailly West End and West Bay, are idyllic as any tourist brochure, with clear turquoise water, colorful tropical fish, powdery white sand and coconut palms." Here's a picture of where we're staying, a hotel of beach cabannas called Fosters, which is also suposed to have the best bar scene.

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Today during and between my last minute wedding handicrafts, David and I watched the Olympics. I freakin LOVE the Olympics! And actually, it just makes me want to watch the best cartoon ever, Animalympics. Have you seen Animalympics? No? I used to catch it here and there on TV when I was a kid. It's the best - I don't know why it's so captivating up it is. I don't think it's availiable on DVD, but you can see it it in 9 parts on YouTube. I did, today, and it made me so happy. My favorites are Rene Fromage and Kit Mambo, the french goat and aftrican lioness who are running the marathon. I also love the tiny Japanese penguin. Give yourself a treat and watch. Also, I was delighted to realize many of the voices are by Harry Shear (Best In Show, Waiting For Guffman, This Is Spinal Tap, etc.) which makes it even better.
Friday, August 8, 2008

This week David and I drove out to have dinner with Joel in the new place he and Even moved into. It's in Los Feliz (it's actually a couple blocks from where Joe's new place was, which we were all painfully aware of) and it has a great porch for sitting and thinking and chilaxin'. He showed us the printer's proof of his book, A Paradox of Grace, that he's been researching, writing and designing for about 2 years now. It's incredible, it's a huge labor of love and effort. Every book he's read in this time has been purely research, every trip he's taken has been to the Washington DC photo archives,or to Vietnam to take his own pictures. So much of his time and energy have been focused on this project, and now, finally, here it is, I'm paging through it and dying to sit and really read it. The majority of the photos have never been published before, and a lot of them shock me. I feel after I read this book I'll get an understanging of American history like I was never given in school or from the news. It's a sort of chronicle of our war history, but looking at what we've done to become the dominate force in the world. I'm sure he could say it a million times better, and I'll probably be able to too, once I read it, but he's got a site up though it isn't finished, and he has a blog you can check out.
Joel has really inspired me, it made me remember how passionate I was about my senior thesis four years ago, and how I poured everything I was into it. I had a million books on conjoined twins and divorce, and I made so many drawings and wrote so many stories before I finally condensed it into this one little book. I remembered my show that I had in the garage, and I looked up photos of it, and was supprised how much I used to produce. I have to draw again! I have to find another creative project to love that can fuel me and join me with art and storytelling again. After vacation I hope, after our big celebration :)

Monday, August 4, 2008
Things Accomplished and Not
This weekend, inbetween long, unexpected naps, we managed to buy all the drinks for the wedding and I got a good start on the programs. There is a mountain of beer & wine in the dining room, and printouts all over the table, some cut out, some folded, some just stacked waiting for me to cut & fold them. I'm not on my third color ink cartrage and still printing. That's what happens when you have a slow as heck inkjet printer and not a laser. Elwood has spent the majority of the weekend laying in my beach hat, watching the printer, it hypnotizes him for hours. I thought I could get these all printed, cut, folded, & stitched up over the course of the weekend, but I was wrong. Also, we watched Rocket Science, wich was a really funny movie about a high school kid with a stutter who tries to join the debate team to win a girl, with hilarious and sad results, all to a great Violent Femms soundtrack.
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